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travel (12 files)

 The Royal Mint still in operation and is open to the public in Perth, Western Australia. It also produces coins for special events. 
 Keywords: Royal Mint, Perth, Western Australia, coins, Australian Royal Mint, mint, money
 A specially built glass building displaying old anti-tank blocks used during the revolution in 1992 against the Soviet Union. The glass building is next to the Lithuanian Parliament in Vilnius,Lithuanian 
 Keywords: Vilnius, Lithuania, Lithuanian Parliament
 A medieval cobbled stoned street is Weißgerbergasse ‘White Tanner's Lane’ in Nuremberg,Germany The street is lined with about 20 medieval timber framed houses, some with no more than two windows wide. They were the homes and workshops of the city’s skilled craftsmen specializing in the tanning trade, producing leather goods from animal skins for the clothing trade in the middle ages. Due to the fact that 95% of Nuremberg was destroyed towards the end of the second world war, miraculously these dwellings survived intact. Today, the street has a number of restaurants and bistros and is a popular tourist attraction. 
 Keywords: cobbled stoned street, Weißgerbergasse, White Tanner's Lane, medieval timber framed houses, middle ages, Bavaria, dwellings, restaurants, bistros, Tourist attraction, tourism, German Travel, cobbles, Germany,Bavaria
 An interesting narrow cobbled stoned street is Weißgerbergasse ‘White Tanner's Lane’. The street is lined with about 20 medieval timber framed houses, some with no more than two windows wide. They were the homes and workshops of the city’s skilled craftsmen specializing in the tanning trade, producing leather goods from animal skins for the clothing trade in the middle ages. Due to the fact that 95% of Nuremberg was destroyed towards the end of the second world war, miraculously these dwellings survived intact. Today, the street has a number of restaurants and bistros and is a popular tourist attraction. 
 Keywords: cobbled stoned street, Weißgerbergasse, White Tanner's Lane, medieval timber framed houses, middle ages, dwellings, restaurants, bistros, Tourist attraction, tourism, German Travel, cobbles, Germany
 A medieval cobbled stoned street is Weißgerbergasse ‘White Tanner's Lane’ in Nuremberg,Germany The street is lined with about 20 medieval timber framed houses, some with no more than two windows wide. They were the homes and workshops of the city’s skilled craftsmen specializing in the tanning trade, producing leather goods from animal skins for the clothing trade in the middle ages. Due to the fact that 95% of Nuremberg was destroyed towards the end of the second world war, miraculously these dwellings survived intact. Today, the street has a number of restaurants and bistros and is a popular tourist attraction. 
 Keywords: cobbled stoned street,Weißgerbergasse, White Tanner's Lane, medieval timber framed houses, middle ages,Bavaria,dwellings, restaurants, bistros, Tourist attraction, tourism, German Travel, cobbles, Germany,Bavaria
 A narrow cobbled stoned street is Weißgerbergasse (White Tanner's Lane) The street is lined with about 20 medieval timber framed houses, some with no more than two windows wide. They were the homes and workshops of the city's skilled craftsmen specializing in the tanning trade, producing leather goods from animal skins for the clothing trade in the middle ages. Due to the fact that 95% of Nuremberg was destroyed towards the end of the second world war, miraculously, these dwellings survived intact. Today, the street has a number of restaurants and bistros and is a popular tourist attraction. 
 Keywords: cobbled stoned street, Weißgerbergasse, White Tanner's Lane, medieval timber framed houses, middle ages, Bavaria,dwellings, restaurants, bistros, Tourist attraction, tourism, German Travel, cobbles, Germany,Bavaria
 A narrow cobbled stoned street is Weißgerbergasse ‘White Tanner's Lane’. The street is lined with about 20 medieval timber framed houses, some with no more than two windows wide. They were the homes and workshops of the city’s skilled craftsmen specializing in the tanning trade, producing leather goods from animal skins for the clothing trade in the middle ages. Due to the fact that 95% of Nuremberg was destroyed towards the end of the second world war, miraculously these dwellings survived intact. Today, the street has a number of restaurants and bistros and is a popular tourist attraction. 
 Keywords: cobbled stoned street, Weißgerbergasse, White Tanner's Lane, medieval timber framed houses, middle ages, dwellings, restaurants, bistros, Tourist attraction, tourism, German Travel, cobbles, Germany
 A narrow cobbled stoned street is Weißgerbergasse (White Tanner's Lane) The street is lined with about 20 medieval timber framed houses, some with no more than two windows wide. They were the homes and workshops of the city's skilled craftsmen specializing in the tanning trade, producing leather goods from animal skins for the clothing trade in the middle ages. Due to the fact that 95% of Nuremberg was destroyed towards the end of the second world war, miraculously, these dwellings survived intact. Today, the street has a number of restaurants and bistros and is a popular tourist attraction. 
 Keywords: cobbled stoned street, Weißgerbergasse, White Tanner's Lane, medieval timber framed houses, middle ages, Bavaria,dwellings, restaurants, bistros, Tourist attraction, tourism, German Travel, cobbles, Germany,Bavaria
 City Recital Hall in George Street, Sydney, Australia. It is the first of its kind as a specially designed concert venue 
 Keywords: City Recital Hall, George Street,hall, city hall,Sydney, Australia.
 City Recital Hall in George Street, Sydney, Australia. It is the first of its kind as a specially designed concert venue 
 Keywords: City Recital Hall, George Street,hall, city hall,Sydney, Australia.
 Two Fijians squat on matting at a tourist show to serve Yaqona, Fiji's national drink, also called Kava. It is drunk in parts of the South Pacific. It has an important place in all Fijian ceremonies and is used widely as a token of goodwill and respect amongst the South Pacific People. The berverage is prepared by straining powder made from pounded dried roots (Fijian: waka) and dried base stems ( Fijian : lewena with water, commonly, through a muslin cloth. Traditionally yaqona is strained through specially prepared plant strands in the wild hibiscus bush - Fijian vaudins 
 Keywords: Yaqona, Fiji's national drink,drink,Fiji,Kava,ceremonies,Fiji men,berverage,Fijian,waka,Fijian vaudins
 The Secret Army exhibition within the park of the Beaulieu National Motor Museum, New Forest National Park, Britain.The exhibition tells the story of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) during WW11 which trained its agents to ‘Set Europe Ablaze’ as Churchill once phrased it. 
 Keywords: Beaulieu, Beaulieu National Motor Museum, New Forest National Park, Britain, SOE, Special Operations Executive, England, U.K, WW11, second world war, espionage, exhibition, Natinoal Motor Museum, agents, secret agents

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