Image DSC9437 by Richard Sowersby

travel > DSC9437
 Two elderly Arabs In the Souk Al Kabir ( Also known as Dubai Old Souk). The souk has a narrow undercover alley full of Indian shops selling mostly Indian fabrics,cloth and clothes. Dubai,U.A.E, (United Arab Emirates) 
 Keywords: elderly Arabs, arab, smoking, Souk Al Kabir, Dubai Old Souk, fabrics, cloth, clothes. Dubai, U.A.E, (United Arab Emirates)
© Richard Sowersby
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Photographer: Richard Sowersby
Collection: travel
Upload Date: 2010-02-13 18:58:07
Photo Size: 5.1mb 2848x4288 pixels
  comp 558x840


Two elderly Arabs In the Souk Al Kabir ( Also

known as Dubai Old Souk). The souk has a narrow undercover alley full of Indian shops selling mostly Indian fabrics,cloth and clothes. Dubai,U.A.E, (United Arab Emirates)
Keywords: elderly Arabs, arab, smoking, Souk Al Kabir, Dubai Old Souk, fabrics, cloth, clothes. Dubai, U.A.E, (United Arab Emirates)