Image DSC9707 by Richard Sowersby

travel > DSC9707
 A witches coven shop in Burley,New Forest National Park, Britain. Witchcraft is a popular theme that has been adopted by a number of shops, an enthusiasm that recalls a past Burley resident, Sybil Leek, who was a well-known white witch, a gifted psychic, astrologer and prolific author. Resident in the village during the late-1950s, and considered by many to be Britain’s most famous witch, she eventually left for the USA, where white witches are perhaps treated with less curiosity than in Burley. A coven of white witches in the New Forest is following in Sybil’s footsteps. 
 Keywords: New Forest National Park, Britain, Burley, witch, white witch, Sybil Leek, England, U.K, New Forest, tourisim, travel,witchcraft
© Richard Sowersby
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Photographer: Richard Sowersby
Collection: travel
Upload Date: 2011-09-19 03:53:33
Photo Size: 5.8mb 4288x2848 pixels
  comp 840x558


A witches coven shop in Burley,New Forest National Park, Britain.

Witchcraft is a popular theme that has been adopted by a number of shops, an enthusiasm that recalls a past Burley resident, Sybil Leek, who was a well-known white witch, a gifted psychic, astrologer and prolific author. Resident in the village during the late-1950s, and considered by many to be Britain’s most famous witch, she eventually left for the USA, where white witches are perhaps treated with less curiosity than in Burley. A coven of white witches in the New Forest is following in Sybil’s footsteps.
Keywords: New Forest National Park, Britain, Burley, witch, white witch, Sybil Leek, England, U.K, New Forest, tourisim, travel,witchcraft